Legal Write-Ups
Veterans Burial Benefits and Honors
Information on arranging a military burial, including eligibility and what financial compensation is available for those who apply.

Find Legal Help
Many civil legal matters can be handled by a military legal assistance attorney at no cost to service members, find out how.
Go to the webpage: AmericanBar.org
Go to the webpage: AmericanBar.org

Application for a Burial Flag
This application should be filled out and submitted to your local VA regional office.
Visit: VBA.va.gov
Visit: VBA.va.gov
Application for Burial Allowance
This application should be filled out and mailed to Department of Veterans Affairs Pension Intake Center P.O. Box 5365, Janesville, WI 53547-5365
Visit: Vets.gov
Visit: Vets.gov

For general benefits and disability questions. Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 9:00 pm ET.
Call: (800) 827-1000
Call: (800) 827-1000
Readjustment Counseling Service staff will help make counseling arrangements for family members and loved ones of the deceased.
Call: (202) 461-6530
Call: (202) 461-6530
Information and help with ordering a headstone, memorial, or marker for a military burial.
Call: (800) 697-6947

Helpful Online Resources
Online Application for Burial Allowance
Information on how to apply for burial benefits or do advance planning for end of life care.
Visit: VA.gov
Visit: VA.gov
Making Pre-Burial Arrangements
Guidance on how to apply and make arrangements for a military burial before the individual is deceased.
Visit: VA.gov
Visit: VA.gov
Online Will Preparation and Beneficiary Financial Planning
VA resources for establishing a will and designating beneficiaries of financial resources
Visit: Benefits.va.gov
Visit: Benefits.va.gov