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    Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

    Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

    Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

    Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.

    Divorce, Separation and Annulment


    Legal Write-Ups

    Arizona's Service Members in Family Law Matters

    Understand Arizona laws pertaining to service members in divorce and division of debt and property.

    Military Benefits After a Divorce for Discharged Service Members

    How receiving mental health treatment may impact voting rights, gun rights, and security clearances.

    Military Benefits After a Divorce for Active Duty Service Members

    How receiving mental health treatment may impact voting rights, gun rights, and security clearances.
    Gavel with a coin

    Find Legal Help

    Many civil legal matters can be handled by a military legal assistance attorney at no cost to service members, find out how.
    Go to the webpage:


    Dealing with Military Divorce

    Overview of various steps and considerations of the divorce process. Includes resources available to service members and veterans to ease the process.

    VA Disability Compensation and Divorce: Facts and Fallacies

    Frequently asked questions about VA disability compensation and how the court handles it in divorce, family support, garnishment, and military pension divisions.

    Divorce as the Spouse of a Veteran

    Learn about what the spouse of a veteran may be entitled to from divorce.
    Video projector


    VA Disability, Divorce, Child Support, Alimony, Garnishment, & Apportionment