Legal Write-Ups
FMLA: Military Caregiver Leave
Explains how military caregiver leave works including which service members can apply and who can qualify as family members and covered employers.
FMLA: Qualifying Exigency Leave
Discover how time off may be requested by relatives of a servicemember who is being deployed.
Overview of Arizona's Time Off Laws for Military Personnel
Learn of the different protections service members have to ensure they can fulfill their duties and return home to their job.

Find Legal Help
Many civil legal matters can be handled by a military legal assistance attorney at no cost to service members, find out how.
Go to the webpage: AmericanBar.org
Go to the webpage: AmericanBar.org

FMLA Military Guide
An introduction to Military Family Leave Under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Visit: DOL.gov
Visit: DOL.gov
Military Leave Under Arizona Law
Detailed explanation of military leave under Arizona law including law updates over the past years.
Visit: CDN.ymaws.com
Visit: CDN.ymaws.com

Helpful Online Resources
Resources for Caregivers
As a caregiver of a loved one with a special needs or a life-changing injury, it is important to have access to valuable resources tailored to the needs of a caregiver.
Visit: MilitaryOneSource.mil
Visit: MilitaryOneSource.mil
The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers
Find out who is elgibile and how to apply for PCAFC.
Visit: Caregiver.VA.gov
Visit: Caregiver.VA.gov