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    Arizona Civil Legal Needs Community Survey

    Civil legal organizations in Arizona are seeking your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents. Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona.

    Encuesta de Necesidades Legales Civiles de Arizona

    Las organizaciones legales civiles en Arizona buscan su opinión para aumentar su capacidad de satisfacer las necesidades legales civiles de los residentes de bajos ingresos de Arizona. Por favor complete esta encuesta para ayudar a mejorar los servicios legales civiles en Arizona.


    Veterans ID Card

    There are several identification cards a veteran may use to prove they are a veteran of the U.S. military. However, a Veteran ID Card is a simple and secure method of proving veteran status.

    What information is included in a Veteran ID Card?

    The VIC will include:

    • A picture of the veteran,
    • Name of the veteran, and
    • An Identification number.

    The VIC will NOT include:

    • Any personal identifying information,
    • Date of birth, and
    • Social Security Number.

    Are service members who are non-citizens eligible for a Veterans ID Card?

    Service members who are in the military but are not U.S. citizens, may not be able to qualify for a VIC since a Social Security number is required.

    ID card and a wallet

    Instead of a VIC, service members who do not have a Social Security number may be eligible for a Common Access Card (CAC) through the Department of Defense. Eligibility for a Common Access Card.

    What should I expect after applying?

    Clipboard with a signed document
    After submitting a VIC application, the VA will verify:
    • Your discharge status,
    • That the ID submitted (driver's license or passport) is valid, and
    • That the submitted passport photo meets all photo requirements.
    Once eligibility is confirmed, the VA will email you to confirm the status of the application. For applicants who have unknown or uncharacterized discharge, their application may take longer to process. Those requests are brought to the National Personnel Records Center by the VA. Veterans may be requested to provide additional information.
    To check the status of an application, replace a lost Veteran Identification Card, or to request support when applying for a VIC visit: Department of Veterans Affair's VIC Page

    What can I NOT use a Veterans ID Card for?

    Service members may not use their VIC to:

    • Prove eligibility for any federal benefits,
    • Access military bases or installations,
    • Access military commissaries or exchanges,
    • Present as a form of identification at the airport,
    • Check into a VA hospital,
    • Show as proof of retirement from Armed Forces, or
    • Show as proof of wartime service to get a special license plate from the Department of Motor Vehicles.
    Red x

    Are there other forms of ID instead of a Veterans ID Card to receive discounts from businesses?

    Veterans may use the following IDs instead of a VIC to receive discounts:

    Service members who already have one of these cards no longer need to apply for a VIC, but they may still if they want to. 

    Can I get Veteran Designation on my Arizona driver’s license?

    Selecting an eligible person

    A Veteran designation on an Arizona driver’s license or identification card is available to U.S. military veterans or active-duty service members. If approved, the word “VETERAN” will be printed on the front of the service member's license.

    To apply for a Veteran designation, the initial application may be submitted to any MVD office with one of the following documents to prove status.

    • Active-duty military identification card,
    • American Legion card,
    • Certificate of Honorable Discharge,
    • Disabled American Veteran card,
    • Form DD214, 215, 2 (Retired), 2 (Reserve), or DD217 (originals or copies),
    • Inactive duty card,
    • Military Officers of America card,
    • Military Order of the Purple Heart,
    • Statement of Honorable Service from the Department of Veteran Affairs or Arizona Department of Veteran’s Services,
    • Veterans Administration Medical card,
    • Veterans of Foreign Wars card,
    • or Vietnam Veterans of America card.
    Once the Veteran designation is approved and a new card is issued, replacements may be ordered online at and it should have the VETERAN designation.